Giant Trevally Things You Should Know

By. Nevanda - 27 Feb 2023

img - The giant trevally or the scientific name is Caranx ignobilis, is also known by the name lowly trevally, barrier trevally, ronin jack and giant kingfish. This fish is a giant marine fish that belong to the family Caranidae. Giant trevally is distributed through all the tropical waters, from South Africa in the west to the Hawaii in the east and including Japan in the north towards the Australia in the south. The giant trevally can be easily distinguished by their steep head and strong tail. The body of the fish is normally has silvery color with occasional dark spots, but the male giant trevally can sometimes have a darker color when they reach maturity. This fish is the largest fish of the Caranx genus, with the maximum size known is 170 in length and 80 kg in weight. Giant trevally can live in a wide range of marine environment, you can find them from the estuaries, shallow bay, lagoon and to a deeper reef. Their juvenile is known to live in waters with low salinity.


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The giant trevally is an carnivorous fish and is one of the apex predator on its habitat. They will go hunt individually or in schools. The main diet of giant trevally is various kind of fish, but they often including crustacean, cephalopods and molluscs into their menus. This predatory fish also has important roles as a commercial catch fish and also as a popular sportfish.


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The spawning season of giant trevally will happen on the warmer months and often reach different peaks depend on the regions. They will spawn at the certain stage of the lunar cycle, and large schools would be found gather over a reef and bays. This fish growth is quite fast, they will reach maturity at the age of 3 years old with the common length is 60 cm.


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