What to wear when enter a fish processing facilities ? LoLa Seafood

By. Junaedi - 31 Mar 2023


Video Description :

Lola Seafood is a brand from PT Kelola Laut Nusantara (PT KLN). PT KLN is a fish processing factory facilities based in Pati Juwana, Indonesia. For several years PT KLN has exported seafood products to USA, Japan, China, and Australia.


Let us know how we can help your seafood products. 


Please do visit our site for more information: 


website       = https://www.kelolalaut.com/en

Instagram  = https://www.instagram.com/lolaaseafood/


Tiktok        = https://www.tiktok.com/@lolaseafood

Facebook  = LoLa Seafood https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?...


Have a good day,


PT Kelola Laut Nusantara

#SeafoodAmerica #USASeafood #SeafoodAustralia

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