- Although tasty and healthy, eating fish in its raw state can cause several diseases, as below:
1. Parasitic Disease
Parasitic infections in humans are a major health problem in many tropical countries. Many of them are transmitted by infected drinking water or improperly cooked food, including raw fish.
However, you can minimize this risk by buying raw fish from trusted restaurants or suppliers that have properly handled and prepared it.
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Below is an overview of some of the main parasitic diseases that can be transmitted to humans after eating raw or undercooked fish.
- Liver flukes are a family of parasitic flatworms that cause a disease known as opisthorchiasis. Infections are most common in tropical regions of Asia, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe. Adult liver flukes reside in the livers of infected humans and other mammals, where they feed on blood. They may cause an enlarged liver, bile duct infection, gallbladder inflammation, gallstones and liver cancer.
- Fish tapeworms are transmitted to people who eat raw or undercooked freshwater fish or sea fish that spawn in freshwater rivers. This includes salmon. They are the largest parasite known to infect humans, reaching a length of up to 49 feet (15 meters). Scientists estimate that up to 20 million people may be infected worldwide. While fish tapeworms often don’t cause symptoms, they may cause a disease known as diphyllobothriasis. The symptoms of diphyllobothriasis are usually mild and include fatigue, stomach discomfort, diarrhea or constipation. Tapeworms may also steal substantial amounts of nutrients from the host’s gut, especially vitamin B12. This may contribute to low vitamin B12 levels or deficiency
- Parasitic roundworms may cause a disease called anisakiasis. These worms live in marine fish, or fish that spend a part of their lives in the sea, such as salmon. Unlike many other fish-borne parasites, Anisakis roundworms cannot live in humans for very long. They try to burrow into the intestinal wall, where they get stuck and eventually die. This may cause a severe immune reaction leading to inflammation, stomach pain and vomiting.
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2. Bacterial Infection
Another reason why uncooked fish is the risk of food poisoning is bacterial infection. The main symptoms of food poisoning include upset stomach, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Potentially harmful bacteria detected in raw fish include Listeria, Vibrio, Clostridium and Salmonella.
3. Pollutant
Toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, are also a health concern. Another study found that the amount of bioaccessible mercury was 50–60% lower in cooked fish than in raw fish.
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